Though there have been some concerns over the art direction of Suicide Squad - and specifically the way Joker and Enchantress look - there's no hiding from the fact that the trailer was one of the best of the year. It established an aesthetic, a mood and a completely bonkers spirit mostly focused on the suggestions of how Joker will fit into the action. As well as that exceptionally creepy laugh and the sense that he's completely unhinged, we also got a very brief snatch of a heist Joker leads with a team of goons in fancy dress. And the best part of it is that Joker himself leads the crime under a Batman cartoon mask. (You can tell it's him from the jewellery). He's also ably assisted by a man with an eyeball for a head and someone in one of those God-awful realistic baby masks... Add to that heist scene the guy in a realistic looking goat mask and another in a panda head and you've got what looks like a Saints Row fight sequence.