15 Most Shocking Movie Deaths Of 2016

12. Bishop - The Purge: Election Night

Channing Tatum Jody Death

Bishop is the longest running character in The Purge series, first appearing as the unnamed stranger who takes shelter in Ethan Hawke’s house in the original, and later reappearing in the sequel working with an anti-Purge group. He's still doing this in the third movie Election Year.

During the final act, he teams up with the hero to rescue an anti-Purge presidential candidate, which they just about succeed in doing. Nevertheless, he’s later killed by some mercenaries in a heroic sacrifice, which comes as a surprise since he was set up to be a recurring character.

His death also makes the events of the original feel a little pointless, but that’s hindsight for you.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.