15 Most Shocking Movie Deaths Of 2016

11. Slipknot - Suicide Squid

Channing Tatum Jody Death
Warner Bros. Pictures

Out of all the members of Suicide Squad, poor Slipknot really got the short end of the stick. He barely gets any dialogue or screentime, or even a colourful intro screen of his own. If there was ever going to an expendable member of the team it was him, but boy does it happen quickly.

Captain Boomerang convinces him to make a run for it shortly after the mission begins, and within a few seconds of escape attempt, his head is missing from his body in a friendly PG-13 way. The swiftness of his death is the real surprise here, but since he was introduced punching a woman in the face it’s hard to feel much sympathy.

Suicide Squad Slipknot Death
Warner Bros

It’s also hard to see how a dude who’s really good at tying things would have been much help.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.