15 Most Shocking Movie Deaths Of 2016

10. Garupe - Silence

Channing Tatum Jody Death
Paramount Pictures

Silence isn’t what you’d call a barrel of laughs, and it follows two priests visiting Japan during a period of Christian persecution. There’s torture, misery, some more torture, death and a little bit more torture to break up all misery and death.

It’s a tough but rewarding watch and the performances are what make it work so well. Adam Driver plays one of the priests, Garupe, who later in the story is given a choice to either renounce his faith or watch a group of Japanese Christians drown. Garupe refuses, and as the group are thrown into the water he rushes out to try and save them.

He’s ultimately not strong enough to save them and keep afloat, and his lifeless body soon floats to the surface. It's wrenching stuff, and Driver’s performance makes it all the more powerful.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.