15 Reasons Hot Fuzz Is Greatest British Comedy Of All Time

4. The Police Entourage

Though Angel and Butterman are the stars of the show; this film doesn€™t neglect its supporting players like Shaun of the Dead did at times. This is truest with Sandford€™s Police Service personnel who are all funny in their own right (yes, even Doris) and help best amplify the town of Sandford€™s bleary eyed optimism about policing. The Andy€™s are particular comic highlights who give strong belly laughs every time they are on screen and the qualities of their sections really make you wish they did a spin off movie simply about them. Doris€™ apparent sluttiness and dirty one-liners aren€™t funny individually, but when combined with PC Bob Walkers one word mumbles of €˜cocks€™, somehow make for comic genius as everyone somehow remains stony faced around him...Unless you watch the outtakes.

One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.