15 Terrible Upcoming Movie Moments We Already Know About

4. No Jason Statham - The Transporter Legacy

The Moment: Again, not so much a single moment as it is the fact that Jason Statham won't be returning to the fourth Transporter movie, The Transporter Legacy. Instead, Frank Martin will be played by Game of Thrones' Ed Skrein. Why It's Going To Suck: Because the previous three movies, while not exactly amazing, were fun vehicles for Statham to indulge in some cartoonish action, and deferring to a largely unknown actor just feels like a huge step down. Though no footage has been released yet, there's no guarantee that Skrein can deliver the same cocksure swagger and kicka** appeal that made The Stath such a hit in the role. ...And The Rest Of The Movie?: Like most movies with a lone producer credit by Luc Besson, it's best not to expect much. Plus, Camille Delamarre, who helmed the visually incomprehensible Brick Mansions, is behind the camera. That's a lot of nails in the coffin before the series has even begun its (attempted) resurgence.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.