20 Badass Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

19. Last Action Hero (1993)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Hamlet
Columbia Pictures

"To be or not to be? Not to be."

Caught in the wake of Jurassic Park, Last Action Hero bombed at the box office and gave Arnold Schwarzenegger his first commercial failure in years. However, the movie isn't as bad as its reputation suggests, and despite some major flaws it remains an underrated postmodern action flick.

The best scene in the movie comes with the Austrian Oak re-imagining Shakespeare's classic play Hamlet as a blockbuster action movie, with Arnie playing the title character as a cigar-smoking, quip-dispensing, machine gun-wielding bad-ass. Delivering his own unique twist on one of the most famous lines in literature, Schwarzenegger casually lights his cigar as a massive explosion goes off in the background.


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