20 Best Movies Of 2018 (So Far)

14. Thoroughbreds

Thoroughbreds Leads
Focus Features

A searing debut for writer-director Cory Finley, Thoroughbreds is a deliciously dark satire of well-off suburban malaise, propelled forward by an electrifying two-hander between leads Olivia Cooke and Anya Taylor-Joy.

Beautifully shot and delicately balancing its tone between subtle-yet-savage humour and legitimate suspense, it's a movie utterly unafraid to go to some deeply unpleasant places - as the two girls plot a murderous solution to their problems - yet never loses sight of its consistent tonal through-line.

If all this isn't enough of a selling point, it also features the last major performance from the late Anton Yelchin, who characteristically shines as an oafish drug dealer roped into the two girls' dangerous scheme.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.