20 Great Movies Since 2000 That You Forgot Existed

2. Treasure Planet (2002)

Treasure Planet is often considered to be one of those sub-par movies that came out of Disney's awkward period, which pretty much lasted from Dinosaur in 2000 all the way up to The Princess and the Frog in 2009 (their first truly good movie in ages). So Treasure Planet - a science-fiction adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's seminal novel Treasure Island - was met with middling reviews upon release. As a result, it never really lingered in the memories of Disney fans. For shame! But Treasure Planet is - and this is said with no amount of hyperbole - a fantastic animated movie. Beautifully written and animated (seriously: this thing is mesmerising to look at), it's genuinely mind-boggling as to how the reviews for this thing came up so short. Featuring the voice talents of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Brian Murray, Emma Thompson and David Hyde Pierce, Treasure Planet has all the makings of a Disney classic. The word "reappraisal" looks to have been invented for the purposes of this picture; if you snubbed it the first time round, Treasure Planet really deserves your attention. It's 95 minutes of high-octane fantasy brilliance!

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.