20 Greatest Spaceships Ever To Appear On Screen

18. TIE Fighter

Appears in: Star Wars Star Wars has produced a lot of great ships. Many of them have been starfighters, like the X-Wing, but perhaps the most famous is the TIE Fighter. The twin ion engines used for propulsion allow the fighter to have almost unparalleled speed and manoeuvrability. Always accompanied by their green lasers and trademark noise as they swoop by, the fighters are a menace to rebels everywhere. Often released en masses from Star Destroyers the fighters are able to overwhelm enemies quickly and protect capital ships from attack.

17. Trimaxion Drone Ship

Appears in: Flight of the Navigator The Trimaxion Drone Ship is an alien vessel that crashed on Earth while collecting samples. It doesn€™t have a crew or pilot but instead relies on the ships computer known as Max. It also has some form of time travel device which allows it to send samples back to its home planet and then return them without disturbing the natural environment. The ship is coated in silver and very fast. It can also travel underwater which is appropriate considering how it looks so much like a shell of some sort.

A sport, gaming and fiction enthusiast, I particularly enjoy Formula 1, rugby, tennis, athletics and football.