20 Highest Grossing Movies of 2014 - Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Guardians Of The Galaxy

You can see why many people were predicting that Guardians of the Galaxy would be Marvel Studios' first dud; a relatively unknown comic book being adapted into a $170m space-set adventure that featured a talking raccoon and a sentient tree as two of the main characters certainly sounded like a risky proposition. However, when it hit theaters James Gunn's irreverent, B-movie inspired space opera turned out to be one of the most entertaining movies of the year. The movie is by no means perfect; some of the action scenes are tired and formulaic, the plot is largely nonsense and the villains are weak. Still, in a time when comic book movies are becoming increasingly serious, Guardians of the Galaxy benefits massively from having its tongue planted firmly in cheek; a retro soundtrack, sight gags, Kevin Bacon references and even a semen-related joke aren't things you'd expect to find in a sci-fi blockbuster, but the movie pulls it spectacularly off thanks to an infectious sense of fun and a strong cast led by Chris Pratt's star-making performance.

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