20 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In The X-Men Franchise

18. Nobody Bothers To Set Up Any Precautions Against Mystique - X-Men

X-Men Mystique
20th Century Fox

Speaking of Mystique...

Professor X has a super long and super complicated relationship with Mystique; he knows her rather intimately, and is well aware of what her abilities entail and the dangers that she poses as a result.

And yet, for reasons that aren't really covered in the movie, Professor X fails to warn anybody that Mystique can take on the appearance ofanyone at anytime. You'd think that, given how much history they have together, Professor X would be on edge at all times knowing that she's on the enemy team, and would - at the very minimum - make sure to check everyone's credentials at every possible moment. 'Cause that's damn scary.

Mostly, he just seems to overlookthe fact that she's out there.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.