20 Movie Taglines That Make No Sense At All

1. The Day Of The Dolphin (1973)

Mike Nichols' crazy sci-fi thriller follows a scientist that is attempting to teach dolphins to communicate with humans, before they are kidnapped and trained to carry out a political assassination. Yes, you read that correctly. In fact, read it out loud and you will realize it is one of the greatest sentences ever written. However, as a movie tagline; it makes no sense whatsoever. Its one thing to train a dolphin to kill the President of the United States, but to do it by accident? Shame on you. The tagline makes it sound as though the dolphins have been holding secret conferences on how to utilize their training in the most nefarious ways possible. When in reality, shady government agents plan to use them to place a mine on the underside of the President's yacht. No, seriously. This tagline takes the top spot for several reasons. First, it is presented completely seriously despite being blatantly hilarious. Second, technically the character on the poster didn't train the dolphins to specifically commit political assassinations so it remains a little misleading. Third, just read it! It's glorious, laughable, confusing and ridiculous all in one fell swoop. Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

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