20 Things The X-Men Movies Actually Got Right

8. Sebastian Shaw In X-Men: First Class

X-Men Days Of Future Past
20th Century Fox

The X-Men series has had difficulty with its villains. While both of the portrayals of Magneto have been exceptional, the rest of the villains have come across as either flat or goofy.

That's not to say that other franchises haven't had this issue (*cough* Malekith *cough*), but it is a shame that the series has often wasted such a rich rogues gallery.

The outlier in this is Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw, who gives a terrific performance as a Nazi scientist turned world conquering maniac. Bacon chews the scenery as this sinister yet charming villain who has a deep, personal vendetta with Erik Lehnsherr.

Combine this with a wide array of powers such as absorbing energy and a scene that nearly steals the entire film when Shaw invades the X-Men's facility. Sebastian Shaw is one of the most captivating villains the X-Men have come toe to toe with.


Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.