20 Things We'd Never Do Thanks To Horror Movies

9. Open A Puzzle Box

Although a fairly specific example, this doesn't change the fact that Hellraiser has made me forever wary of opening puzzle boxes €“ they're everywhere in Morocco, and while I did buy one as a present for my younger brother I made sure to choose one that wasn't nearly ornate nor difficult enough to open a portal to a realm of sadomasochistic torture. Whether the brisk sale of Lemarchand-esque puzzle boxes to tourists is the result or cause of it being featured in Hellraiser, it nevertheless remains an effective icon: exotic, beautiful and mysterious with a rich fictional backstory, the puzzle box almost becomes a character in the Hellraiser series, and seems to react to the needs of the characters (how the hell else does Kirsty open the puzzle box so easily after Frank spends days trying to crack it?).

I'm a completist. I love platformers, indie games, bad horror movies and Joss Whedon. You can find me over on Twitter at @ejosully, where I talk about largely unrelated things.