20 Things We'd Never Do Thanks To Horror Movies

1. Go Potholing

From the oldest horror location to one of the newest, this final entry is rather specific but wonderfully realised in The Descent, a film that encapsulates many of the things that a long history of horror cinema has taught us to fear the most: monsters; the dark; and other people. Sharing a narrative strand with 127 Hours that emphasises the danger of exploring areas of the wilderness without letting anyone know where you're going, the film also masterfully establishes a taut atmosphere of suspense and claustrophobia that would've made the film a highly effective survival thriller even without the addition of subterranean flesh-eating crawlers. Subtexts are rife: one of the all-female group of climbers is exposed as an adulterer (with her best friend's dead husband) with the dying gasps of another friend she has accidentally murdered; the crawlers appear when the women have almost given up hope of escaping alive, almost as a manifestation of their fear of dying alone in the cave. A cop-out alternative ending and sequel did much to undo the effectiveness of The Descent, but if anything it still provides evidence that there remain even more horrific locations, characters and scenarios that are yet to be discovered. What won't you do thanks to horror movies? Let us know in the comments!

I'm a completist. I love platformers, indie games, bad horror movies and Joss Whedon. You can find me over on Twitter at @ejosully, where I talk about largely unrelated things.