20 Things You Didn't Know About The Terminator

11. Linda Hamilton Spent Much Of The Shoot In Pain

Terminator Arnie
Orion Pictures

In the same way that Schwarzenegger is the Terminator, Linda Hamilton is Sarah Connor. Despite an attempt to recast her in a later entry, Hamilton remains as the definitive Sarah Connor.

And it appears that Hamilton was just as committed to her role as Schwarzenegger was to his, as she spent a large portion of the shoot in severe pain due to an ankle injury sustained sometime before the production began. In order to compensate for this, many of Hamilton’s physical sequences were moved later into the shoot to allow time for her ankle to heal.

Sadly, her ankle hadn’t fully healed by the time it came to shoot these sequences and so it had to be taped before each shot. Because of this, in many of the film’s chase sequences, Hamilton is in sever pain. Despite this, she never let it visibly show and remained committed to the role throughout. She is Sarah Connor.


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