20 Things You Didn't Know About The Terminator

10. The Studio Had No Faith In The Film

Terminator Arnie
Paramount Pictures

Orion Pictures, the company responsible for co-financing and marketing the film, were reportedly not enthused by the production and saw it as nothing more than cheap sci-fi that they could (hopefully) squeeze some money out of.

Because of this, Orion essentially left the film out to die, barley promoting it. Schwarzenegger, worried about the lack of support, and afraid that the film he was proud of was going to flop, suggested to Orion that they focus on the love story between Connor and Reese in the hopes that more women would become interested.

Orion didn’t listen to the advice and pushed on with the marketing plan they had. Despite the lack of support, the film was a massive box office success. It even proved popular with women.


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