20 Things You Didn't Know About The Terminator

12. Acid Was Poured On Arnold

Terminator Arnie
Paramount Pictures

In addition to the commitment Schwarzenegger showed when preparing for the role, he was also content with taking risks on set. Case in point, the scene after the Tech Noir shootout.

In the scene, Schwarzenegger has just been on fire and has to punch through a car window. Of course, hiring a stuntman to be set on fire is expensive, so Cameron decided to just pour a ‘mild acid’ on Schwarzenegger in order to give the impression that he was on fire.

On screen, you can visibly see the smoke produced by the acid coming off of Schwarzenegger’s jacket. It is staggeringly convincing, and clear proof that Cameron knew what he was doing.

A stuntman did later recollect that Schwarzenegger did complain that the acid irritated his eyes, can you blame him?


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