23 X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

10. Erik Lensherr - Basically The Worst Ever Friend - X-Men: First Class


At the end of First Class when Magneto has unwittingly crippled his best friend and anointed "brother", he quickly decides to make his exit with his brand new group of mutant friends, including Mystique. Both the metal manipulator and the shape-shifter express grief that Charles is injured, but they both disappear anyway: now, they're not doctors, so they couldn't have been expected to help him that way, but Magneto does have access to a powerful teleporting mutant, who could perhaps have taken Xavier to a hospital or something.

But no, Magneto simply disappears with his new helpfully powered ally, leaving Magneto, gravely wounded, and the other X-Men on the beach, for some reason assuming that the military won't simply fire more missiles at them and wipe them all of the face of the planet.

Some friend he is.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.