23 X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

8. Literally The Worst Kidnap Attempt Ever - X-Men


Again, another indication that Magneto isn't quite the super-villain he claims to be, and not just in the terribly scripted The Last Stand. As early as the first X-Men movie, Magneto was making questionable decisions when it came to strategising his attempts to wipe out Homo Sapiens forever, and when broken down, his long-game attempt to kidnap Rogue was ridiculously ill-conceived and unnecessarily drawn out.

Instead of simply using Mystique's ability to masquerade as Bobby Drake and invite his sort-of girlfriend for a romantic walk around the less tightly-secured perimeter areas of the mansion's grounds and then grabbing her, Magneto instead relies on the emotions of a teenage girl to underpin his plan. He romantically spurns her, sending her into an emo-spiral that makes her run away and into the awaiting arms of the Brotherhood (despite a surprisingly nailed on guess by Xavier at which train Rogue is on), which wouldn't have been a certainty at all. So why complicate it, when it's obvious that Xavier's Institute has literally no way of detecting if Mystique is on the grounds pretending to be someone else?


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.