23 X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

6. Nightcrawler's Assassination Attempt Is Needlessly Flawed - X2


We're introduced to Nightcrawler with a bang at the start of X2 as the teleporter attacks the White House in an attempt to assassinate the President, in a sequence that has to go down as one of the most visually arresting of the entire X-Men franchise, but there's something wrong beneath all the flamboyance.

Nightcrawler has the ability to teleport easily - comics lore suggests something like 2 or 3 miles - and he shows off his ranged ability later in the movie, so why does he feel the need to take down the President and all of his men in the frankly energy-sapping manner he does when he could simply have teleported onto the Chief's lap and stabbed him, or teleported him somewhere else entirely to finish him off?

Instead, the demonic looking mutant seems to take his time with relish when he finally gets face to face with the President, without so much as a second thought for all of the temporarily incapacitated soliders and security folk with very real guns lying around waiting to wake up and shoot him.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.