23 X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

5. How Not To Ease Diplomatic Tensions - X2


You really have to question the logic behind Xavier's decision to take Nightcrawler back to the White House at the end of the movie. Yes, he's a mild-mannered Catholic German who wears the marks of his sins on his skin, but in the President's eyes he's a demonic, over-powered would-be murderer who has basically covered his skin in marks that perversely celebrate his past sins.

it's hardly a smart move to bring the killer to meet the President with tensions between mutants and humans running so hot. And not amount of standing around goofily in the background looking sort of apologetic are likely to disspel the fears of the President - or more importantly, of his highly-tuned, highly-strung security team. There's not even an explanation given to the President for why Nightcrawler attempted to kill him: so for all the President knows, he's just hiding behind his sheepish grin with further murderous intentions.

Perhaps this uneasy sequence hides the key to why Nightcrawler is so unceremoniously dumped out of The Last Stand without so much as an explanation. Was he ultimately held captive by the angry President, unhappy that his would be assassin could still pop up and murder him at any moment - especially with Magneto still out in the world?


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