23 X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

4. Mystique's Deep, Deep Cover - X2


It's not exactly explored at the start of X2, but it's reasonably acceptable that nobody realises that the real Senator Kelly is dead: after all, he's still getting on with his political responsibilities and making the appearance that everything is fine and at no stage has he melted.

So, basically Mystique has been pretending to be Senator Kelly for a number of months while Magneto has been locked away: okay, so maybe politicians don't do very much day-to-day and Mystique could get away with infrequently turning up to vote on some bill or other, but what about Kelly's friends and family?

Wouldn't they notice that he'd suddenly disappeared without keeping in touch, despite continuing with his public life? Wouldn't the pretence require Mystique to commit completely - to the extent of kissing any kids he has, and socialising with his friends to make sure nobody noticed?

And more important, when the hell did she have time to intricately plot Magneto's escape among that?


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