23 X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

3. The Stupid Police - X-Men


The police in the X-Men universe are clearly pretty stupid: at no stage does anyone notice the giant device being added to the Statue Of Liberty, despite the fact that there are hundreds of police, and probably intelligence services posted around the area for the major political meeting happening basically in the shadow of the statue.

One cop beyond them all personifies the inherent stupidity in the force: when Magneto shows off his powers by shooting a cop in the head, but stopping the bullet rotating on his forehead, why doesn't he just move? What is so captivating about the hot spinning piece of metal that wouldn't make him jump away?

But then perhaps we're asking too much from a police force that for some reason, at the end of X-Men: The Last Stand decides that Magneto is no longer a threat, and can happily integrate back into society, rather than be locked up in prison for the rest of his life for grand-scale genocide the likes of which had never ever been attempted before. It's based on the idea that his powers are gone (even though they aren't anyway), but you wouldn't free a murderer just because he didn't have a gun.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.