31 Scariest Movie Moments Of All Time

21. The Chestburster - Alien

alien chestburster
20th Century Fox

How could anyone overlook the film that finally gave a face to man's eternal fear of monstrous biomechanical vagina monsters penetrating us with mouth penises and laying their eggs inside our tummies? Who would that thought that would be such a unifying collective nightmare?

Alien is your typical monster movie, sparse on reveals, heavy on atmosphere, and filled with lots of walking snacks for the big bad. The most tragically abused of all of those victims is John Hurt's Kane who is the first to get a taste (quite literally) of what the xenomorph has to offer.

The dinner scene in question is set up as a camaraderie shot, where the crew relax before the coming storm, with Kane enjoying a laugh with his crew-mates and some harmless dinner banter before he begins to terribly regret his life choices and a distinctly penisy alien bursts out of his chest. What a way to ruin a dinner party.


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