31 Scariest Movie Moments Of All Time

15. Welcome To Hell - Event Horizon

Event Horizon
Paramount Pictures

You can't get much more cult than Event Horizon. The haunted house in space movie is as beloved with its army of fans as it was lambasted by critics (unfairly, I might add) when it first came out.

Sure, it's brash and vulgar and it revels a little too much in gore and guts, but it's also the stuff nightmares are made of, and it's a far finer movie than the more more appreciated Sunshine. It also flirts with something even darker than what it shows, thanks to over-bearing censorship laws, which actually forced its director to show less for maximum effect.

Allegedly, Paul WS Anderson was forced to cut a whopping 43 minutes of hellish scenes to get it an R Rating, so all we get is about 20 seconds of fantasy-like imagery telling the story of the lost ship's trip through a blackhole to actual Hell. It plays like a murderous orgy and there's just enough in there to rival Sam Neill's eyeless Weirbeast and his creepy ghost wife visions as the scariest moments of the under-appreciated horror gem.


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