5 Genres That Are Dying Out (And 5 That Are Making A Comeback)

3. Bad Taste Comedies

Gross-out humour is a delicate thing; there€™s a thin line between making somebody laugh with a tasteless gag, or just grossing them out. Most bad taste movies just try to push buttons to provoke a response, but they can be the ultimate guilty pleasure when they're handled correctly; there€™s a reason people still talk about American Pie or Dumb And Dumber. The genre€™s fallen out of favour with fans now; Seth MacFarlane€™s Ted 2 was a major letdown after the success of the original, and A Million Ways To Die In The West was hated out of existence. The remake of Vacation upped the bad taste jokes but forgot to add any funny ones, while that loving ode to unlikeable douchebags, the Entourage movie, landed flat on its smug face; and no amount of gross-out scenes with elephants will make people enjoy Grimsby. It might be a case that fans have grown out of love with the genre, because poop jokes will only get a movie so far before boredom sets in.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.