5 Genres That Are Dying Out (And 5 That Are Making A Comeback)

4. The Buddy Cop Movie

The good old Buddy Cop genre hit its apex with Lethal Weapon, resulting in just about every possible version of the mismatched partners concept; a stern Russian working with a slobby American (Red Heat), a slobby cop teamed with an Alien partner (Alien Nation) and a straight-laced cop working with a slobby dog (Turner & Hooch). The Rush Hour movies aside the concept largely died out for a long time, but audiences appear to have warmed to the simple pleasures of two bickering partners trading quips with each other. 21 and 22 Jump St were so much better than they had any right to be, Ride Along 1 and 2 proved people liked watching Kevin Hart shrieking and other movies like The Heat and 2 Guns keep the fire burning. Even Iron Man 3 had a bit of buddy cop banter, when Tony teams up with Rhodey for the third act. Not even the occasional dud (R.I.P.D, Bullet To The Head) have slowed it down, and there€™s still Shane Black€™s The Nice Guys and Central Intelligence to look forward to in 2016.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.