5 Genres That Are Dying Out (And 5 That Are Making A Comeback)

3. The "Die Hard" Scenario Movie

Die Hard was a ground breaking landmark in the action genre, fusing a high concept idea with a likable and €“ more importantly €“ relatable hero. So of course, it got ripped off like crazy for the next decade, where an assortment of lone heroes would find themselves trapped in an isolated location and dealing with evil terrorists. There was Die Hard On A Boat (Under Siege) ...On A Plane (Passenger 57) ...On A Train (Under Siege 2) and ...On A Slightly Bigger Plane (Executive Decision). The Die Hard Scenario genre was looking mighty tired at the end of the nineties, and The Matrix essentially killed it. After a long peaceful nap it€™s slowly edged its way back, thanks to movies like The Raid, Dredd, Olympus Has Fallen (and its sequel) and even The Purge. Even A Good Day To Die Hard was a success €“ somehow €“ proving there€™s some life in the old dog yet; Die Hard 6 threatens to happen any day now.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.