5 Mouth-Watering Movie Meals (And 5 That Will Make Your Stomach Churn)

2. Pasta & Sauce - The Godfather/The Godfather Part II

The Godfather Meatballs So this one is a dish of two halves - like most people, when pushed to decide between the first two movies in the Godfather trilogy I struggle to decide. But here it's more about the way the scenes compliment each other. In part 1, old man Clemenza shows Michael how to cook for a group of 20 guys. Oil, garlic, tomatoes, tomato paste, sausage, meatballs and red wine are combined with sugar in a pot to create Clemenza's traditional Italian sauce. But we have to wait until part 2 to see the result; and while it doesn't come from the skilled culinary hands of Clemenza, it is the younger version who gets to eat it, while sat opposite Michael's father. He plunges his fork into a huge bowl of spaghetti that is bound by a thick, rich tomato sauce. The meat - most likely a mixture of pork and beef - has been braised and then fried, exuding juices that have darkened the redness of the tomatoes and then turned the pasta a deep orange. Using a spoon to manoeuvre it, he twists his forkful it into a perfect coil of carby, meaty, tomato-soaked greatness!

Frustratingly argumentative writer, eater, reader and fanatical about film ‘n’ food and all things fundamentally flawed. I have been a member of the WhatCulture family since it was known as Obsessed with Film way back in the bygone year of 2010. I review films, festivals, launch events, award ceremonies and conduct interviews with members of the ‘biz’. Follow me @FilmnFoodFan In 2011 I launched the restaurant and food criticism section. I now review restaurants alongside film and the greatest rarity – the food ‘n’ film crossover. Let your imaginations run wild as you mull on what that might look like!