5 Reasons Batman Can't Beat Spider-Man (Let Alone Superman)

1. No Convenient Weakness

kryptonite7yavp3 Finally, the number one reason that Batman can't beat Spider-Man is that he doesn't have a convenient, plot-device weakness to exploit. The main reason that Bat-fans tend to think that the caped crusader can beat Superman is because he could just bring some Kryptonite along with him to the fight (which, simply put, guarantees nothing... but we won't go in to that here). In an encounter with Spider-Man, the Dark Knight has no such convenience to utilise. He has no advantages whatsoever. That's his one chance against the man of steel and without such an opportunity against a foe as formidable as Spidey, Batman just isn't pulling one of his big 'underdog' wins out of the bag. So there you have it: Five reasons why Batman can't beat Spider-Man. Agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments box below!And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.