5 Upcoming Movies That Spoil The Ending In The Trailer

1. The Final Scene - X-Men: Apocalypse

X-Men Apocalypse Mystique.jpg
20th Century Fox

You'd think after spending an entire movie resetting the X-Men timeline so that he could go forward without the restrictions the movies he didn't direct put on the franchise that Bryan Singer would keep the cards very close to his chest on Apocalypse - for the first movie since The Last Stand we don't know where it's ultimately heading. And yet, despite the director revealing on Instagram he worked on them directly, the advertising still gives away a lot.

The first full trailer opens with an exchange between Magneto and Professor X that, based on the dialogue being a direct lift from the first X-Men and the former not in his tatty clothes from earlier, is the ending beat of the film, and littered throughout are shots of various characters (Mystique and Quicksilver most prominently) in new uniforms that aren't seen anywhere else.

So that's it then - the X-Men win, Xavier and Magneto are returned to their original status quo and the school is open for business. In fact, using this as a marker, it's quite easy to extrapolate the movie's entire plot from the few minutes of footage we've seen.

I'm still very excited for Apocalypse, but this creative choice is still rather confusing - X-Men doesn't have quite the forward-planning of Marvel or DC, so to be so gung-ho about the future is either thoughtless or a view into some bigger plans. Fingers crossed for the latter.

Do any other upcoming movies have massive spoilers in their trailers? Share any we missed down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.