50 Greatest James Bond Moments Of All Time

3. Skyfall: The Finale

The Spy Who Loved Me

It's kind-of hard to say this, since the James Bond series have given us so many incredible finales, but it's got to be said: Skyfall's climax is the best Bond climax of all time.

Ironically, this climax is more low-key than most Bond finales - it's a fairly simple siege battle at Bond's childhood home is rural Scotland - yet it still trumps the huge finales of the other Bond films.

Why? Well, it's a masterfully-executed, visually stunning and viscerally thrilling final showdown as things stand, but what makes it so outstanding is the emotion running through the whole thing. There are many references to Bond's childhood trauma of losing his parents and the whole thing is a desperate battle to save M, one of the franchise's most beloved characters... who doesn't make it in the end.

It's hard to even think of that without getting emotional.

This is a climax in which you'll care so much about everything that happens and that's why it rises above the epic explosion-fests that ended past Bond films. Factor in Javier Bardem's superb villain, a delightful supporting performance from Albert Finney as Bond's ally, Kincade ("Welcome to Scotland!") and Roger Deakins' exceptional cinematography and you've got the pinnacle of Bond finales.

To EON... good luck ever topping this.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.