50 Greatest Marvel Movie Moments

35. The Avengers: Coulson Dies

If I am being a hundred percent honest I was never all that invested in the character of Phil Coulson, so his death didn't have all that much of an effect on me as it did on other Marvel fans. That said, it is the one major death in The Avengers film and deserves to be given some respect on this list... that and I also know Coulson has a dedicated fan base and I'm slightly scared of the potential response to snubbing him. However, with the recent news that Joss Whedon's "SHIELD" TV series is bringing Coulson back from the dead, I wonder if any emotion you may have felt when Coulson apparently died in The Avengers will be taken away when you watch the ABC series.

34. Iron Man 2: Black Widow Kicks Butt


I am not always a very big fan of Scarlett Johansson so was a little apprehensive as to whether she could pull off the tail-kicking role of Black Widow, however after seeing Iron Man 2, and in particular the scene where she easily takes out many many men when Happy Hogan struggles with just one, she quickly became my favorite thing about the film. Also, apparently many men seem to find her very attractive?

33. Thor: Thor Shows Off His Bod

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Hot damn. Give this man an Oscar just for this? No?... Although The Avengers has been criticized on the Internet for being sexist, especially when it comes to the way it positions Black Widow in its posters when compared to the other team members, if anything the films running up to The Avengers have had the men showing much more skin than the ladies... the only issue is that when the ladies enjoy the skin that is on display they don't complain. And let's be honest, why would they when Chris Hemsworth looks this good? And if you are blind or just not of the sexual orientation that likes this kind of display, you can at least appreciate the Herculean effort it must have taken the actor to get into this good shape.

32. Captain America: Times Square

The finale of Captain America is a very powerful one, and for all those people who were unfamiliar with the character before then and were wondering how the hell he was going to jump into the 21st century, this beautiful shot of Steve Rogers as he looks around him at the technology-fuelled New York City in his future, though now the present, speaks volumes and works to both pull Cap out of his past and similarly to pull the audience into the present and away from the rather grim looking WW2 scenes the film had featured up until then. I for one am glad that the next film in the saga, Captain America: Winter Soldier is set to feature in the present day because the World War 2 setting was getting old fast.

31. X-Men: First Class: Magneto Stops Oncoming Missiles


There was a reason this image of Michael Fassbender as Magneto, stopping the fleet of ships missiles with his mutant abilities was used all over the trailers and marketing materials for this film, because it truly is a powerful image which almost immediately makes you forget about Ian McKellen's performance as the same character before him... which is a very difficult task. Though I wouldn't say Fassbender's performance as this character was overall better than McKellen's, Fassbender sure knows how to pull off the intense/ crazy stare, and I'm sure in films to come his performance as perhaps THE iconic Marvel villain is sure to only increase in its intensity.

I am a recent Screenwriting for Film and Television graduate from the UK. I am an unashamed geek who loves everything Marvel, and anything Joss Whedon has ever touched (except for maybe Alien Resurrection and Titan A.E). My current favorite TV shows are Breaking Bad, Family Guy, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Homeland and Glee. I look forward to debating things with all of you in the future. (As of January 2013 I have had over 1 million views since joining WhatCulture in September 2012. You can reach me at danieljamesbowen@hotmail.co.uk)