50 Greatest Marvel Movie Moments

15. First Class: Magneto Goes Nazi Hunting


There is very little more satisfying than watching a film character wreak bloody violence on screen, but considering the emotional weight involved when that said character was sent to a concentration camp and watched his mother murdered in front of his very eyes by Nazi's, you can't help but be on team Magneto... even if arguably by the end of the film he is basically a Nazi himself. When Magneto lays waste to the three Nazi's in the European bar, we are immediately hooked to this film and this new version of this beloved movie villain.

14. X-Men 3: Beast Unleashes His Fury


Casting Kelsey Grammar as Beast was genius, but nothing in the whole of X-Men: The Last Stand got me more excited than when Beast finally let loose on the battlefield and started effectively ripping the enemy to shreds. Though X-Men 3 may have given us watered down or frankly terrible versions of some beloved characters; Phoenix, Angel and Juggernaut to name but a few, at least it got Beast pretty much spot on.

13. Iron Man: Iron Man Escapes Capture

iron man

The scene at the beginning of this fantastic movie, and this fantastic beginning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe of films, when Iron Man escapes from the cave he is being held in by terrorists after building an early but super powerful Iron Man suit is epic and is simply the perfect way to start off a wonderful series of films, and a wonderful film universe that continues to be almost as strong today as it was back then. Still, Iron Man has struggled to produce a better scene than this one so far. Here's hoping Iron Man 3 goes back to its roots and pulls off something just as powerful and action packed as this.

12. Spider-Man 2: Spidey Vs Train


There are many standout showdown moments in Spider-Man 2 between Doc Ock and Spider-Man himself, but none more exhilarating than in this scene where Spider-Man starts off fighting Doc Ock on a moving train, then moves on to having to save a train full of people by using his sheer strength to stop the out of control train from reaching the end of the tracks and plummeting into the water below. This scene was the highlight of the entire movie, and considering this movie is one of Marvel's, if not Marvel's very best film, that really is saying something.

11. The Avengers: Hulk Punch Thor

The single funniest moment from the very funny The Avengers was in this scene, where Hulk and Thor worked together (somewhat out of character for the Hulk) to take down one of those flying snake like creatures in the final battle scene, only for Hulk (now in character) to punch Thor effortlessly off the creature once their job was done. Another hilarious scene, though almost identical to this one in many respects was the one where the Hulk beat the hell out of Loki. Hulk funny.

I am a recent Screenwriting for Film and Television graduate from the UK. I am an unashamed geek who loves everything Marvel, and anything Joss Whedon has ever touched (except for maybe Alien Resurrection and Titan A.E). My current favorite TV shows are Breaking Bad, Family Guy, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Homeland and Glee. I look forward to debating things with all of you in the future. (As of January 2013 I have had over 1 million views since joining WhatCulture in September 2012. You can reach me at danieljamesbowen@hotmail.co.uk)