50 Reasons Why Green Lantern Movie Sucks

#41 Parallax is an Idiot

Parallax says Hector failed him, but when he says this Hector has the ring and Hal is powerless. Killing Hector actually makes it easier for Hal to get the ring back. Parallax may be an ominously powerful creature made of pure fear but he€™s not too bright.

#42 Ferris Brand Missiles Are Awesome

Parallax can take down Green Lanterns, but Carol fires missiles at him and he retreats. That makes a lot of sense.

#43 Force Fields Suck

Hal gets hit by a rock while in space and gets injured despite the fact that his force field protects him from the vacuum of space. How useful is a force field if flying into an asteroid results in a big scratch on your shoulder?

#44 Hal Doesn€™t Understand Physics

Hal says €œthe bigger you are, the faster you burn.€ Try this yourself. Set a scrap of 1 inch by 1 inch paper on fire, then try it with an entire newspaper. Tell me which burns faster in the comments.

Trevor Gentry-Birnbaum spends most of his time sitting around and thinking about things that don't matter.