2. Speeder Bikes
The Return of The Jedi is a good place to look to find material which can carry on into Episode VII. Theres a natural transition taking place, and the vehicles from Episode VI arent going to mysteriously vanish and never be mentioned again. One which should definitely make a come back is the Speeder Bike. I might be biased here. My favourite Star Wars toy as a child (and present day) was my Speeder Bike complete with Scout Trooper. The whole concept was great. The shape like a dart, the brown camouflage, the button you could press which would blow it all apart. Even the Scout Trooper was pretty cool. Where can I get a Scout Trooper helmet? Can I wear one legally on a motorcycle? I dont even own a motorcycle? Can I borrow your motorcycle? The Speeder Bike chase in Return of the Jedi was mesmerising and thrilling. Luke and Leia flying through the thick forestation, a mass of blurry green and brown, gunning the throttle and leading the Storm Troopers on a super-fast game of cat and mouse. Im not sure how the concept could be brought back for Episode VII, but if theres another Speeder Bike chase then Ill be more than happy. After all, who doesnt like flying motorcycles?