7 X-Men That Badly Need Recasting and Who Should Play Them

3. Deadpool

After his appalling performance in one of the worst superhero films ever made, Green Lantern, let€™s not give Ryan Reynolds any more superhero roles for a while. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of talk since Wolverine of a Deadpool movie with Reynolds as the lead. Let€™s not have a Deadpool spin off from the worst X-Men films of all time, especially considering that film itself was a spin off. A spin off from a spin off€ how good could that be? The thing is, pre Green Lantern and X Men Origins: Wolverine, Reynolds wouldn€™t have been the worst casting choice for Deadpool. He€™s cocky, mouthy and funny enough to arguably play the role, and even his performance in the beginning of Wolverine when his mouth wasn€™t removed from his face was alright. But considering what they did to his character by the end of that film, I think we need a completely new take on this awesome, sword wielding, forth wall breaking X-Man. Also, is Reynolds cool enough to play such a cool character? As Green Lantern proves, no€ no he is not. Who Should Play Him: Brad Pitt. Because why not? It certainly would be an interesting casting choice, and would sure to at least get people interested in a Deadpool film again. Plus Brad is twice as cocky, mouthy and funny as Reynolds (See Burn After Reading), and a much better actor to boot. Would he do it though? Probably not, but it would be an interesting and challenging role, especially if he kept his mask on for the entire movie. That would defiantly be unconventional, and for that reason interesting challenge for the man in Hollywood most well-known for his good looks.

I am a recent Screenwriting for Film and Television graduate from the UK. I am an unashamed geek who loves everything Marvel, and anything Joss Whedon has ever touched (except for maybe Alien Resurrection and Titan A.E). My current favorite TV shows are Breaking Bad, Family Guy, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Homeland and Glee. I look forward to debating things with all of you in the future. (As of January 2013 I have had over 1 million views since joining WhatCulture in September 2012. You can reach me at danieljamesbowen@hotmail.co.uk)