8 Big Movie Cliffhangers That Will NEVER Be Resolved

3. The Yellow Lantern Corp Emerges To Nothing - Green Lantern

Green Lantern Ryan Reynolds
Warner Bros.

Ryan Reynolds never really got a firm footing as a Hollywood leading man, as most of his attempts to front a big franchise, like R.I.P.D or Green Lantern, ended in failure, despite big predictions for both.

Having been defeated in a conventional Good Guy Victory by the end of the film, Sinestro reappears in the epilogue to don a yellow ring, which turns him all yellow and evil (as identified by yellow being the colour of fear in this universe). Sinestro is a big villain in the comic series, so this scene was teasing a future face-off between the two characters. But then Green Lantern barely scrapped back its budget, and the franchise hit the skids.

Reynolds moved on, expressing disappointment with how the film turned out, and he doesn€™t seem keen on returning to the part. Warner Bros meanwhile isn€™'t a studio to linger too long on its past mistakes either, and a rebooted take is expected in the coming years.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.