8 Big Movie Stars That Started As Background Extras

7. Willem Dafoe - Heaven's Gate

Director Michael Cimino's sprawling western epic from 1980 is famously one of the biggest box office failures in film history. It was a critical disaster and failed to recoup even a tenth of it's then enormous $44 million dollar budget. While time has been a little kinder to it there's no denying that it's a film that isn't well loved. In amongst the famous faces in the cast, including Kris Kristofferson, Jeff Bridges, Mickey Rourke and Christopher Walken, a fresh faced Willem Dafoe can be spotted in the background of a few scenes. Although he's uncredited in the cast apparently his character's name is Willy (thanks IMDB!). Dafoe has since spoken of how he spent 3 months on the set and was generally having a good time learning the ropes until one day, while the crew were setting up for a tense scene, he shared a joke with another extra. Cimino overheard his laugher, asked for him to step out and that was the end of his part in the film. He€™s confronted Cimino about this years later when he became a success in his own right, but Cimino claimed not to remember the incident. Ironically, this story is a lot more interesting than the one in the film. A lot shorter, too.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.