8 Big Movie Stars That Started As Background Extras

4. Jackie Chan - Enter The Dragon

Bruce Lee's martial arts classic from 1973 sees his character, aptly named Lee, enter a secret fighting tournament on an island and beating the hell out of anyone who isn't named Bruce Lee. This doesn€™t endear him to the other fighters and towards the end of the film he gets into an epic brawl with the bodyguards of the villain, Han, and he proceeds to introduce them to his fists and feet. And it€™s during this end shuffle that the eagle-eyed viewer will be able to spot a very young Jackie Chan as one of the attacking henchmen, who Lee fights a bit before gently snapping his neck. Years later Chan told a behind the scenes story about the filming of this scene, where Lee accidently hit him and sent him crashing to the floor. When cut was called Lee ran over to him, apologising profusely and hugging him as he got back to his feet. Chan, not feeling all that badly hurt but loving the fact that his idol Bruce Lee was hugging him, pretended to be in much greater pain to make the embrace last longer. This is just one of many reasons why we love Jackie as much as we do.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.