8 Disney Villains Who Weren't Actually That Evil

7. Syndrome's Master Plan Was Equality

Scar Lion King

In The Incredibles, Buddy Pine is the antagonist, a supervillain who goes by the name of Syndrome, but when you actually examine his master plan, it's not actually all that evil. In fact, it's probably a good thing in the grand scheme of things.

As a kid, Buddy was obsessed with Mr. Incredible, desperate for his approval and to one day become his superhero sidekick. When he finally gets the opportunity to ask, Buddy is bluntly rejected and embarrassed, and made to feel like he'll never be special. That sort of thing can be devastating to one's development.

So what does Buddy do? He uses technology in an attempt to circumnavigate the fact he doesn't have any special powers, inventing things like the Aero Boots to fly and the Bio-Probe to search for life. He betters himself and the world.

Okay, so he might take out his aggression on other heroes at the beginning, but he later confesses the desire to sell his technology - the stuff he uses to feign super powers - to whoever he can, stating "when everyone is super... no one will be". Really - is this such a bad thing? It promotes equality, and makes it so that other supervillains can never exist, because literally anybody would be able to stop them.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.