8 Great Movies Everyone Expected To Suck

5. Dances With Wolves

Jaws Titanic Ghostbusters
Orion Pictures

Heaven’s Gate is the ultimate example of a movie with a tortured production, and one that resulted in a movie so badly received it even bankrupt the studio that produced it.

It's often mentioned when the press point to a potentially disastrous upcoming movie, so it must have hurt poor Kevin Costner’s feelings when his directorial debut Dances With Wolves was dubbed “Kevin’s Gate." The press saw it as a vanity project for the star, who was making a partially subtitled western - a genre that had been dead for years - where he’s a noble white man who becomes part of an Indian clan.

The movie also went millions over budget, with Costner having to pay the overruns out of his own pocket. Luckily for Kevin Dances With Wolves was far from a Heaven’s Gate-style fiasco; it was critically acclaimed, and in addition to earning a bucket load of Oscars it also grossed over $400 million worldwide.

Now, The Postman on the other hand...


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.