8 Little Known Tics That Made Michael Keaton's Batman Awesome

6. He Makes The Joker Attack Ambiguous

The "did he or didn't he?" subject of the Joker's creation has created much debate, and it all comes down to a single expression Keaton gives before Jack Napier drops into the chemicals that turn him into The Joker. When Napier falls over the railing €“ after being shot by his own deflected bullet €“ Batman reaches out to grab him and pull him up. The physical strain is clear on his face initially, but this changes when he gets a good luck at Napier€™s face. A boy isn€™t likely to forget the face of the man who murdered his parents in front of him, and Batman seems to recognise the man staring up at him. Then Napier either slaps from his grip, or he was let go. On first viewing it looks like an accident, yet Keaton€™s expression adds real ambiguity to the moment. There's never been a concrete answer either way, so viewers must decide for themselves. After all, it's not like Batman is above murdering people in this outing.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.