8 Marvel Actors Who Were Cast In The Wrong Parts

6. Christopher Eccleston

Thor The Dark World Malekith
Marvel Studios

Christopher Eccleston has been fairly blunt about his reasoning for taking roles in Hollywood movies; a man has to eat. Luckily, he's talented enough that his scenery-chewing more than makes up for some of his poorer decisions.

That commitment to his bank balance somewhat explains why he shows up in movies like Gone In Sixty Seconds, G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra and Thor: The Dark World.

For the latter movie, he plays the angry elf Malekith, and looks thoroughly miserable throughout. He'€™s never a credible threat in the slightest and this, combined with a lack of interesting character development, makes Malekith one of the lamest villains in the MCU. Considering the misfires so far, that's quite an achievement.

Who He Should Have Played Instead: Ronan The Accuser

Eccleston could have really added a little bit of fire to the role of Ronan The Accuser in Guardians Of The Galaxy, and made him the terrifying force of nature Lee Pace failed to do. The former Doctor Who actor has proved already that can really excel in villainous roles, and Ronan would have given him a lot more to do than moping around in elf make-up.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.