Watchmen might be an extremely divisive film youre likely to find an equal amount of people who love and hate it but few would blame that on the cast. The film had several standout performances, including Billy Crudups Doctor Manhattan, but Jackie Earle Haleys Rorschach is the character everyone remembers. Fans feared the actor was too short to play the character convincingly, but if anything it makes Rorschach looked like a coiled up ball of fury, and when he unleashes the anger things get very ugly. His voice also plays a big part, and unlike some actors who forced the gruffness not naming any names it sounds natural. Haley manages to make the character the most sympathetic in the film; he might be a violent sociopath with a death wish, but hes got a good reason to be that way. Haley's career, unfortunately, seemed to falter around the time of the Nightmare On Elm Street remake which even he couldnt save but his work in Watchmen will long be remembered in fan circles, even by those who didnt like the film itself.