8 Times Actors Embarrassingly Campaigned For A Huge Movie Role

4. Nathan Fillion - Nathan Drake

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ABC & Naughty Dog

Nathan Fillion has been a fanboy hero for a long time now, but he was never really able to translate that good-natured adoration into a big screen career. One part fans thought he would be perfect for is charming adventurer Nathan Drake from the Uncharted games, and they haven’t been shy about letting Sony know they want him for the movie.

Fillion took note of the fan love and used it to whip up a twitter frenzy, encouraging fans to make noise about the idea. David O’Russell was briefly attached to the movie in 2010 and cast Mark Wahlberg to play Drake, but after one slightly creepy encounter with a fan who filmed himself begging Russell to cast Fillion instead, he quickly left; Fillion would later ask fans to back off that approach.

Two more directors have come and gone since then, and while the movie is mired in development hell for reasons beyond casting, the uncomfortable truth is Fillion was never was a big enough star to carry a movie of that size; but hey, he still rocked in Firefly.

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Donald Glover
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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.