8 Unanswered Questions From 2018's Comic Book Movies

8. How Do The Mid-Credits Scenes Affect The Timeline? - Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 Credits

The Question: Deadpool 2 memorably concluded with Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) travelling back through time in order to "fix the timeline".

In an insane montage, the Merc with a Mouth rescued Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) and Peter (Rob Delaney), murdered the Barakapool version of Deadpool from X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and then finally assassinated Ryan Reynolds before he could film Green Lantern.

But what effect would all this tinkering have on the world as we know it?

Prediction: Given that the Deadpool movies frequently lampshade their own "lazy" writing, they clearly don't want viewers to think too much about the logical implications of Deadpool's antics here.

After all, if Deadpool killed 2010-era Ryan Reynolds, could Deadpool himself still exist? Or is Deadpool a delineated character from Ryan Reynolds? Or are Ryan Reynolds-In-Deadpool 2 and Ryan Reynolds-The-Actor two different people? It's all a headache, honestly.

The scene's goal was simple - get Vanessa back in the fold, give Peter a crowd-pleasing resurrection and throw in some throwaway (yet hilarious) meta Ryan Reynolds gags for good measure.

After all, if you apply typical causal logic, it's possible that after saving Vanessa, Wade wouldn't end up fighting to save Russell's (Julian Dennison) soul and therefore prevent the death of Cable's (Josh Brolin) family in the process.

But of course, as anyone who's seen a recent X-Men movie knows, trying to find consistent logic in its time travel shenanigans is a thankless endeavour.

At least Deadpool 2 has a sense of humour about it, and hopefully the next movie might feature a gag or two about the ripple effect of Wade's changes.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.