9 Awesome Characters Who Had Really Lame Deaths

5. Boba Fett - Return Of The Jedi

Boba Fett Death
20th Century Fox

Boba Fett is cooler than liquid nitrogen, despite not having much of note to do throughout the original trilogy. He has about fifteen minutes of screentime total between Empire and Return, and a handful of lines.

Despite his reputation as a fearsome bounty hunter he’s not even that great in combat; he doesn’t kill anybody onscreen, and he’s ultimately taken down by a blind Han Solo; the luckless Boba is sent flying when Solo smacks his jetpack by mistake, which sees him rolling directly into the open maw of the Sarlacc.

George Lucas has admitted if he’d realised the popularity of Boba he wouldn’t have killed him in such a flippant way, and he tried to make up for it by giving Jango Fett some cool action in Attack Of The Clones. Some fans cling to the belief Boba escaped from the Sarlacc, which actually happened in the now now-defuncy Expanded Universe.

Until this happens in a movie it’s not canon though, so he’s got another 970 odd years of digestion to go.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.